
Quiromassage is a massage technique performed only with the hands, without the use of electromechanical devices.


The massages are a series of specific movements (rubbing, kneading, pressure, percussion and stretching) which are applied with varying rhythms in progressive intensities on soft and joint tissues of the body, in order to improve its functions: stimulate blood circulation, relieve and eliminate pain and promote sleep, bringing well-being and relaxation.


SOOTHING-RELAXING to harmonise the nervous system and lead the body to a state of rest, psycho-physical balance and deep well-being. Through the application of slow and gentle movements on specific areas of the body, combined with the use of relaxing essential oils, production of endorphins is stimulated, helping to reduce physical and mental fatigue and to free the mind and muscular tensions.


PREVENTIVE when the quiromassage practitioner supports the evaluation and treatment of neuro-musculoskeletal conditions of the patient, bringing great benefit to circulatory, muscular, joint and mental levels. It is performed when areas of tension localised by palpation are susceptible to potential injury.


This is one of the most performed massages when preventing muscular tension caused by stress, muscular overstrain and poor posture.


THERAPEUTIC when treating muscular, joint and the most common vascular disorders. It will help to relieve tension mechanisms due to pain, thanks to the stimulation of lymphatic drainage.

Main pathologies benefiting :

  • Muscle contractures
  • Neck pain, thoracic back pain, lower back pain, sciatica, scoliosis
  • Arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis
  • Vascular disorders : arteriosclerosis, varicose veins, migraines
  • Lung diseases : pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis
  • Neurological disorders: facial paralysis
  • Constipation, flatulence
  • Strains and sprains
  • Scar adhesions


AESTHETICS for treating certain aesthetic impairments generally localised, such as cellulite and laxity of the skin. Thereby, massage techniques are performed to mobilise and stimulate tissues to accelerate the metabolism while breaking down the subcutaneous adipose tissue: this massage combined with a proper diet, along with suitable physical training, will act wonderfully on the fat deposits in adipose tissue.


Within Feelharmony Studio, I welcome you in a calm and restful space where you can relax and fully enjoy your care. To facilitate and enhance the virtues of the massages that I practice, I only use organic natural oils, composed of 100% vegetable oils, enriched with plant extracts and essential oils .

The duration of treatment varies according to the pathologies treated in the context of a therapeutic massage, and have a duration of 1 hour with preventive, relaxing massages and beauty treatments.


In 2013, I followed the Quiromassage Training course at EQM “Escuela de Quiromasaje de Madrid”, where I obtained the qualification of Quiromassage Practitioner in 2014.